Elementary School Programs

Grades 3-6 • Building Strong Foundations

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Math

starts at

Master essential math skills through our engaging curriculum. From basic arithmetic to pre-algebra concepts, we make math fun and approachable.

Schedule: 2 sessions/week • Flexible timing

You can select the best schedule after enrolling
Elementary Science Discovery

Elementary Science Discovery

starts at

Explore the wonders of science through hands-on experiments and interactive lessons. Perfect for curious young minds!

Schedule: 2 sessions/week • Flexible timing

You can select the best schedule after enrolling
Intro to Coding

Intro to Coding

starts at

Begin your coding journey with fun, visual programming. Build games and animations while learning core coding concepts.

Schedule: 2 sessions/week • Flexible timing

You can select the best schedule after enrolling

Program Features

Expert Elementary Teachers

Experienced educators specialized in teaching young learners

Country specific Curriculum

Curriculum selected specifically for the country the child studies in

Progress Tracking

Regular assessments and detailed progress reports

Flexible Schedule

Choose convenient time slots that work for your family

Ready to Get Started?

Book a free demo class and experience our teaching approach